Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening from the dental care professionals in Cardiff


Home bleaching kit:

Includes bleaching consultation with our GDC registered dentist,

New custom-made bleaching trays,

Bleaching gel: either 6% Hydrogen Peroxide, 16% Carbamide Peroxide or 10% Carbamide Peroxide (depending upon consultation) £400

If you are having whitening for a special occasion please allow 6 weeks prior to the special day to complete the whitening treatment. 


Top up bleaching kit for previous bleaching clients:

Consultation and prescription from our GDC registered dentist: £45

Plus bleaching gel from  £45 per syringe (depending on size). 


Replacement Bleaching Trays:


Teeth Whitening for the perfect smile

You must be over 18 years old to have tooth whitening treatment. Tooth whitening (dental bleaching) removes stains from within the tooth structure. There are many causes of internal staining. We can identify what type of staining you have. We always recommend that you have a routine scale and polish before whitening treatment to remove surface stains and calculus. Dental bleach does not change the colour of porcelain crowns or white fillings.Professional bleaching gel will not damage healthy enamel. 
laser whitening

Visit 1: Consultation with our Dentist
If you are suitable for bleaching, dental impressions will be taken of the mouth so that custom made whitening trays can be constructed. We will take "before" and "after" photographs of the tooth shade to accurately record the whitening process.
Visit 2: By prescription from our Dentist
Tray fitting, instructions for successful home bleaching and kit provided. Successful bleaching requires custom made bleaching trays. Bleaching gel is syringed into the dental trays and worn orally for either 1 hour per day or 4-8 hours per night (depending on product) for approximately 2-3 weeks. There is always a risk that teeth can feel sensitive during treatment but this will pass after treatment has ended. Results can vary from person to person depending on the starting shade of the teeth.

What about laser whitening?

Tooth whitening regulations came into force in October 2012. European law states that the maximum strength dental bleach dentists can use is either 6% Hydrogen Peroxide or the equivalent 16% Carbamide Peroxide. Previously, laser whitening used gels TWICE as strong. This means that in-chair whitening is no longer as effective as it once was, and ALWAYS requires a home whitening kit to COMPLETE THE WHITENING PROCESS. For this reason we only offer home kits because you will get excellent results for less money.
Tooth whitening at a beauty salon?

It is now illegal to have teeth bleached by ANYONE who is not a Dentist. Hygienists and therapists can only carry out bleaching with a prescription from a Dentist. Please ask to see a GDC registration certificate if you are not sure who is offering to treat you. 
Illegal companies tend to use similar, but old-fashioned chemicals such as Sodium Perborate and Chlorine Dioxide. These chemicals are now banned across Europe and can seriously alter enamel, causing permanent tooth sensitivity.
European law also states that over-the-counter cosmetic whitening products can only contain 0.1% peroxide. This is not strong enough to be effective. Over-the-counter products DO NOT WORK, YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AND MONEY.

Also,TOOTH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE CANNOT REMOVE INTERNAL STAINS no matter how slick the computer imagery looks on the advert. It will only have a small change in surface stains. Professional Air Polishing can remove ALL surface stains.

Bleaching gel from internet?

We all know that illegal bleach can be bought from the internet. What people don't realise is that the gel may be out of date, fake, or simply contain poor quality chemicals. A full course of home whitening should only ever need to be done once, properly, and then topped up for 1 night at 6-12 months intervals.Save money by going straight to the professionals. 

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For LEGAL teeth whitening services in Cardiff, call Lucy Reed Dental Hygiene on
07834 670 245

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