Current research shows us that some people are more at risk of gum disease than others.
can seriously increase the risk of gum disease because nicotine reduces the blood supply to gum tissue and makes inflammation more damaging. Smoking weakens the immune system. Smoking does not cause gum disease but it can certainly speed it up in the susceptible person.
of any kind can weaken the immune system and can contribute to gum disease.
If your gums BLEED
when brushing or flossing you should seek professional help to establish just how much damage has occurred. Remember, HEALTHY GUMS DO NOT BLEED.
Uncontrolled DIABETES
also presents a greater risk because the body does not fight infection or heal as well as non-sufferers. Many people have Diabetes without knowing it too. It is always a good idea to have your blood sugars checked every year. Some pharmacies offer free Diabetes tests while you wait.
may also mean that the sufferer is at greater risk of gum disease because bone density is reduced. If you are an older woman it would be advisable to be screened for gum disease.
Gum disease may also be HEREDITARY,
so if one or both parents have gum disease, we recommend that you get screened.